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White quartz face roller

White quartz face roller

30 days challenge? We've become so used to 30-day exercise challenges that promise miraculous changes, that we've forgotten about the face. Your skin reveals how you feel, if you're tired it immediately expresses signs of fatigue - it's time to take care of it!

Now, your facial yoga routine will be more complete than ever with the quartz roller. You should use it every morning and evening to deeply massage your face - the results are sure to be amazing!

Designed for all skin types | Massage with your serum or face cream | Ultra Relaxing | Great ergonomics

Regular price €26.50
Regular price Sale price €26.50
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— Description

Facial Yoga is full of short and long term benefits. The most important of these is the longed- for facial relaxation. Your face experiences a lot of tension during the day and there are good ways to relieve it. Our natural white quartz rollerball has two super ergonomic heads that will gently massage every inch of your face.

• Combats the first expression lines and wrinkles.
• Smoothes facial skin and stimulates collagen production.
• Tones the face and helps to combat sagging.
• Reduces facial muscle tension.
• Reduces redness and evens the tone.
• Brightens and smoothes the skin, improving its texture.

Ergonomics are guaranteed, as there are two different rollers so you can use them for different areas. The larger roller is suitable for larger areas of your face or body. While the smaller roller is ideal for more sensitive areas that need more precision and pampering.

— Ingredients

— Usage

Remember to do 6 to 10 repetitions of each exercise, you can do more if you are highly motivated.

• You just need to have your skin well cleansed and combine the roller with your favourite toner, serum or face cream - you'll see how fast it glides on!
• Keep it in the fridge, so that it is much cooler. It will have a greater anti- inflammatory effect and will give you a real treat!
• You will need to be consistent to improve your results.
• Upward movements remember, from the bottom up!
• Always use the rollerball with clean heads. After finishing, clean the heads with soap and water. Remember to dry them very well and avoid getting the metal wet to preserve the metallic finish of your rollerball.

— Delivery

Siuntinius išsiunčiame per 1-2 d.d., o prekės pirkėjus pasiekia per 1-5 d.d, priklausomai nuo pasirinkto pristatymo metodo. 

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