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The main enemy of bamboo and metal is humidity, if you want your brush to last longer, you must take care of it. This natural mineral stone stand keeps them in perfect condition, avoiding direct contact with humidity and favouring their drying. As much as they are super resistant materials, we recommend taking care of them so that they last for a long time, after all, that's what being sustainable is all about - taking care!

Regular price €8.00
Regular price Sale price €8.00
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— Description

The main enemy of bamboo and metal is humidity, if you want your brush to last longer, you must take care of it. This natural mineral stone stand keeps them in perfect condition, avoiding direct contact with humidity and favouring their drying. As much as they are super resistant materials, we recommend taking care of them so that they last for a long time, after all, that's what being sustainable is all about - taking care!

— Ingredients

Natural mineral stone.

— Usage

— Delivery

Siuntinius išsiunčiame per 1-2 d.d., o prekės pirkėjus pasiekia per 1-5 d.d, priklausomai nuo pasirinkto pristatymo metodo. 

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