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Crystal set: FOCUS

Crystal set: FOCUS

We have all had this moment when a thousand ideas come to us and we do not know where to start. These are meticulously selected crystals for their alignment properties so that body and mind could communicate with one voice. Placed against you, they accompany you daily and help you to focus on the matter. Discover the benefits of focus kit to shine where you are not expected.

Citrine: stone that creates light. Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity, encourages self-expression, improves concentration and revitalizes the mind. It releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias. The beautiful light energy of citrine helps amplify your blessing and boost your self-confidence. A perfect stone when you just need to do things without the negative vibes that get in the way of your style.

Fluorite: The stone of learning. Fluorite absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress. It's a great learning tool. Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally. An incredible stone for studying, working, or learning new skills that require hand-eye coordination.

Hematite: The stone of stability. Hematite helps absorb negative energy and calms the mind during times of stress or worry. Hematite is a very protective stone and is great to carry around to help you stay grounded in many situations. Hematite is also good for working with the root chakra, helping to transform negative energies into more positive vibrations, a perfect stone for mediation, work or everyday use.

Sodalite: The stone of alignment. It heals a troubled mind, releasing negative thoughts and behaviors that have imprinted themselves. This stone improves self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-confidence. Sodalite brings emotional balance and creates inner harmony, making it the perfect stone for accepting, releasing and healing.

Regular price €25.00
Regular price Sale price €25.00
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— Description

Holi Lab siekia įvairių produktų ir praktikų pagalba padėti ir įkvėpti Jus būti tuo, kuo iš tiesų esate – mylimi ir kupini pilnatvės. Kiekvienas šio prekės ženklo produktas yra etiškai ir atsakingai sukurtas Paryžiuje, siekiant dalintis litoterapijos teikiama nauda.
Kristalai yra apčiuopiamas mus bei natūralius Žemės elementus ir energiją siejantis ryšys. Nors jie pasižymi tyrumu ir akį traukiančiomis formomis, tikrasis kristalų grožis slypi jų gydomosiose galiose. Kristalų terapija yra pagrįsta įsitikinimu, kad tam tikri akmenys gali sąveikauti su žmogaus kūno energetiniais laukais, padėti jiems sugrįžti į natūralią tėkmę ir, tokiu būdu, padėti pasveikti. Ši terapija nėra sudėtinga – tai gali būti paprasčiausias tam tikrų kristalų laikymas miego ar darbo erdvėse.
Kiekvienas akmuo turi išskirtinę spalvą ir formą. Visa ši informacija yra pateikiama tik informaciniais tikslais. Tai nėra diagnozė ar medicininis gydymas. Litoterapija negali pakeisti konsultacijos su profesionaliu gydytoju.

— Ingredients

Glass, citrine, fluorite, hematite, sodalite.

— Usage

This therapy is not complicated – it may involve keeping crystals in sleeping or working spaces.
Crystal Care:
The stone must be "cleaned" periodically: you can hold a sprig of burning sage over the stones or wash them under running water. Thank the crystal in your thoughts by sending it positive energy.

— Delivery

Siuntinius išsiunčiame per 1-2 d.d., o prekės pirkėjus pasiekia per 1-5 d.d, priklausomai nuo pasirinkto pristatymo metodo. 

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