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A small wooden hairbrush, convenient to use both at home and on the go. The handle is made of bamboo wood. With wooden spikes and rubber cushion.

  • Perfect size for travel.
  • Suitable for head massage, helps stimulate blood circulation, strengthens hair roots, reduces hair loss.
  • An environmentally friendly choice that saves many ordinary hairbrushes from ending up in landfill.
  • Made from 100% vegan and sustainable materials.
Regular price €11.00
Regular price Sale price €11.00
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— Description

If you're looking for an anti-frizz brush, this moss bamboo brush is ideal for combing and slowing down breakage. The handle and bristles of the hairbrush are made of bamboo. The tips of the bristles are rounded, making them perfect for stimulating blood circulation in your scalp, strengthening hair roots and preventing hair loss and breakage.

— Ingredients


— Usage

To comb your hair, use slow movements from the ends to the roots to avoid breaking the hair fiber. *Keep the hairbrush away from moisture, water and sunlight. You can wash with water and neutral soap, but we recommend letting it dry well in a ventilated place.

— Delivery

Siuntinius išsiunčiame per 1-2 d.d., o prekės pirkėjus pasiekia per 1-5 d.d, priklausomai nuo pasirinkto pristatymo metodo. 

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