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Inspired by the traditional Ayurvedic wellness ritual of 'oil pulling', Botanical Bouche is an oil-based mouthwash alternative for healthy gums, holistic oral care and beautiful fresh breath.

Regular price €14.80
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— Description

Classic mouthwashes (with scary-coloured fluro liquid), certainly leave a feeling of freshness. But the alcohol present in the mouthwash actually dries out the mouth, and bad bacteria love dry mouth conditions, so you eventually end up having worse breath than you started with! #fail. The antibacterial chemicals used can also be too strong for the mouth, and end up killing off both the bad and the good oral bacteria.
What you want in a mouthwash or breath freshener, is something gentle: that is not going to blast your mouth microbiome to smithereens and that is not drying. The advantage of oil-based botanical mouthwash is that its non-drying and works over the long term to promote holistic oral wellbeing. It doesn't contain water or alcohol and acts like a hydrating serum in your mouth.
This natural mouthwash alternative is formulated with six high-grade botanical oils from organic cultivation, carefully selected for their cleansing and purifying properties.
We also choose a convenient spray format, no there is no messy pouring of oil. No need to swish oil in mouth or spit, just spray and leave in.
Let the botanicals gently infuse in your mouth and do their magic.

— Ingredients

• Hemp, Inca Inchi & Clove oils: known for their anti-inflammatory properties
• Sesame & Cardamome oils: renowned as gentle anti-bacterial oils for oral microbiome
• Spearmint oil: for beautiful fresh breath

INCI: Cannabis Sativa (Hemp) Seed Oil, Sesamum Indicum (Sesame) Seed Oil, Plukenetia Volubilis (Inca Inchi) Seed Oil, Mentha Spicata (Spearmint) Leaf Oil, Eugenol*, Limonene*, Elettaria Cardamomum (Cardamom) Seed Oil, Linalool*, Eugenia Caryophyllus (Clove) Stem Oil, Citral*, Geraniol*.
* Naturally present in essential oils

— Usage

1. As a mouthwash alternative: spray directly in mouth after you have cleaned your teeth before leaving the house, going to bed or after a meal. Use tongue to glide the oil over your gums. Let the botanicals gently infuse in your mouth and do their magic Spit any excess saliva if desired.

2. As a serum: by spraying a few sprays on your toothbrush and very gently brushing your gums

3. As a deep cleaning detox: by spraying in your mouth before flossing to clean deeper into gums

Botanical Bouche contains only natural oils, nothing weird, synthetic or transformed. You can keep it in your mouth without rinsing or spitting it out.
If you've sprayed a lot of it, or have excess saliva, you can also spit it out if needed.

— Delivery

Siuntinius išsiunčiame per 1-2 d.d., o prekės pirkėjus pasiekia per 1-5 d.d, priklausomai nuo pasirinkto pristatymo metodo. 

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